The Association of Certified Chartered Accountants
The world’s most forward-thinking professional accountancy body, providing globally recognized qualifications and advancing standards in accountancy worldwide since 1904.
The ACCA qualifications are the gold standard in accountancy, opening doors to highly respected, interesting work in any sector. The professional ACCA Qualification has been officially benchmarked to Master’s level.
A series of Certifications and Degrees

Foundation in Accountancy
Designed for people who are just starting out on their business education journeys, FIA is the ideal way to gain an understanding of how business finance works and to open up new career possibilities – both in finance and beyond.
If you are working in or interested in a finance-related role, FIA will give you the technical knowledge you need to perform your role and advance your career. It will also give you a head start towards further finance and accounting qualifications, including the prestigious and globally recognised ACCA Qualification.

Certified Accounting Technician
The CAT Qualification and ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business (RQF Level 4) offer a route into the ACCA Qualification, providing you with a development path for employees with high potential.

Diploma in Accounting and Business
This diploma, with UK RQF Level 4, is awarded upon completion of the Applied Knowledge exams comprising of three parts — Business and Technology; Financial Accounting; and Management Accounting — which gives you a broad understanding of essential accounting techniques.

Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business
This diploma is awarded upon completion of the Applied Skills exams of six modules — Taxation; Performance Management; Audit and Assurance; Corporate and Business Law; Financial Reporting; and Financial Management — plus
the Ethics and Professional Skills module.
This diploma is benchmarked at a UK Bachelor’s university degree.

BSc (Hons) Degree in Applied Accounting
Oxford Brookes University, UK
This degree may be earned by learners who have completed the Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams.
Learners who opt to earn the BSc (Hons) Degree in Applied Accounting must submit and Pass the Research and Analysis Project (RAP).
*The deadline for completion of requirements for the BSc program is until May 2026 with extension up to Nov 2026 for those who fail the RAP in May 2026.

MSc in Professional Accountancy
University of London, UK
The MSc in Professional Accountancy is designed for career-minded finance professionals who wish to complement their professional skills with master’s level understanding and skills, applied to accountancy and finance subject areas.
This means that as well as having a professional qualification from the world’s most forward thinking accountancy body, you could also have a postgraduate qualification from the University of London, one of the world’s top ten universities.

Full-fledged member
An individual who have completed the qualification and become a Member is entitled to use the post-nominal letters ACCA (Associated Certified Chartered Accountant).

Fellow Certified Chartered Accountant
An ACCA after at least five years of membership may be eligible to become a Fellow Certified Chartered Accountant.